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Brian Soo - Mar 26 2021
Where are the best spots for fire extinguishers at home?

While fire extinguishers are a requirement for business premises, fire safety for home is not a requirement but definitely a necessity as there are risks of fires at home. Every year, between 30,000 and 60,000 fire incidents are reported in the country. One may think that fire safety for homes are difficult and expensive to start. But that is not exactly the case as the price of a fire extinguisher starts from as low as RM75.
So where are the best spots to place fire extinguishers at home?? Below is a guide on the recommended places to have fire extinguishers.
1. The Kitchen

Kitchens are one of the most common places to find a fire extinguisher in any home as without fire, you can't cook. Cooking equipment continues to be the leading cause of reported home structure fires and fire injuries. Between 2010 and 2014, cooking equipment was involved in 46% of home structure fires, 19% of home fire deaths, and 44% of home fire injuries.
The fire extinguisher in the kitchen should be within 30 feet of the cooking stove so it can be accessed easily. It should not be right next to the stove as it may not be accessible when a fire is occurring at the stove.
For kitchens, we also recommend having a fire blanket for cooking fires. Here is a video of a fire blanket in action!
Suggested Fire Safety Equipments
2. The Living Room

The living room is where families hang out and chances are, there is a television and electronic equipments in place. There were 1,737 instance of fire started due to electrical fires in the latest statistics by Bomba (the fire authorities in Malaysia). Hence, it is important to have fire extinguishers in your living room for easy access. For living rooms, we suggest having a medium sized fire extinguisher as the location of living room is usually in the mid-point of a home. In any instance, the extinguisher in the living room can be used as a shared fire extinguisher for other common areas.
Suggested Fire Extinguisher
3. The Bedrooms

Things may get heated in the bedroom (with candles picking up in sales now), hence it is important to have a fire extinguisher in each room. Especially when there are computers or gaming rigs in rooms these days.
The majority of fires actually happen at night, so it's important to have your extinguishers ready by your side if a fire breaks out in the middle of the night. Fire extinguishers are actually very simple to use, even children are able to use it if taught the right methods.
Here's a short video on how to use a fire extinguisher.
Suggested Fire Extinguisher(s)

3kg ABC Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher
Our 3kg ABC Dry Powder fire extinguisher has 3x the extinguishing agent of our 1kg fire extinguisher. Perfect for medium to large homes. It has a total weight of 5kg which is still very manageable.

1kg Fire Fighter Fire Extinguisher
Our 1kg ABC Dry Powder fire extinguisher is a multipurpose fire extinguisher for most types of fires. It's easy to use, and refillable if needed with a shelf life of +-12 years. No yearly maintenance needed.
4. Outside the store room

Does your store room look like this?
Don't worry, we're all guilty of it. Chances are, the items in the store room are very flammable (think of loose paper and potentially flammable liquids. It is important to have a fire extinguisher near the store room, preferably outside of the store so if there's a fire, you can grab the extinguisher without any danger.

3kg ABC Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher
Our 3kg ABC Dry Powder fire extinguisher has 3x the extinguishing agent of our 1kg fire extinguisher. Perfect for medium to large homes. It has a total weight of 5kg which is still very manageable.
5. Near the Electrical DB Box

Overloading happens when many electrical appliances of high power rating such as a heater , an oven, a motor, etc. are switched on simultaneously. This causes a fire, and this happens pretty often.

1kg Fire Fighter Fire Extinguisher
Our 1kg ABC Dry Powder fire extinguisher is a multipurpose fire extinguisher for most types of fires. It's easy to use, and refillable if needed with a shelf life of +-12 years. No yearly maintenance needed.
I'm sure at one point in our lives, we've seen a car burning by the road side, or have already been burnt to it's skeleton.
It's important to have a fire extinguisher in every car. In Malaysia alone, 4,000 cars catch on fire yearly. That's roughly 1 car catching on flames every 2 hours!
In Malaysia, every e-hailing vehicle is require to have 1 unit of 1kg ABC fire extinguisher(Sirim & Bomba approve). Although it's not a requirement by the government to have a fire extinguisher for personal cars, it's still suggested to have one!

We suggest to have the extinguisher installed around the passenger footwell. This is so that the driver can easily access it incase there is a fire (even if it isn't your car, you can be a good samaritan and help others on the road!)

1kg Fire Fighter Fire Extinguisher
Our 1kg ABC Dry Powder fire extinguisher is a multipurpose fire extinguisher for most types of fires. It's easy to use, and refillable if needed with a shelf life of +-12 years. No yearly maintenance needed.