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How To Extinguish A Fire
When you’re in a situation where there’s a fire, it’s easy to panic since it’s a life-threatening incident, you may flee or get trapped in it. What you do next determines your survival.
Remember, in whatever situation that you may be trapped in, you’ll find a moment of clarity where your mind will constantly finding ways to be alive, that is a great sign! A fire extinguisher shouldn’t be too hard to handle, and fire shouldn’t be your enemy. We believe that good control of oneself will guide you out of misery. Here at Fire Fighter Industry, we’d like you to remember these 4 ways to kill a fire and perhaps, saving the lives of another. We call it the P.A.S.S method.

The acronym P.A.S.S. basically means PULL, AIM, SQUEEZE, and SWEEP.
Step 1: Pull the pin. Most fire extinguishers have a unique safety seal. Our safety seal is the yellow tag which also acts as the locking mechanism to prevent any accidental discharge.
Step 2: Aim at the base of the fire. Upon unlocking the safety pin, aim the nozzle at approximate 1.5 meters to the base of the fire. The biggest mistake people make is not aiming at the base of the fire. It is important, the goal is the kill the source of the fire - in this case, it's the base of the fire.
Step 3: Squeeze the lever. Once you’ve got your aim, gently squeeze the lever to release the extinguishing agent. Be wary when squeezing it as there’s a limited amount of extinguishing agents so control it wisely.
Step 4: Sweep from side to side. Upon squeezing, while still focusing at the base of the fire, adjust your position to sweep the fire extinguisher left and right to cover as much area as possible. Do take note of the wind direction if you're outdoors as that will determine where the fire will spread. Always stand against the wind direction so you are away from the direction of the fire.
Please be cautious when tackling a fire as fires will reignite if not properly put off. The fire extinguisher is the first line of defense in fire safety, if a fire is too big to tackle, use the extinguisher to pave a way out of the situation. Always call your local fire department when you see or face a fire. For Malaysia, call 999 for our heroes at Bomba.