Ruth Das - 25th June 2022

Ultimate Fire Safety Tips

Ultimate Fire Safety Tips


  • How does a fire start?
  • Different types of fire
  • What to do in an event of a fire?
  • What if your pathway is blocked by fire?
  • What if you're stuck on high ground or trapped?
  • Hotspot for Fire Extinguishers at home

The likelihood of a fire breaking out in your home or workplace may be unlikely but you'd be gravely mistaken. Global warming plus the hot Malaysian weather has increased the possibility of fires, so we need to learn about fire safety more than ever, that’s why this article discusses details about this useful, yet dangerous element, and introduces a few helpful tips.


  • How does a fire start?
  • Different types of fire
  • What to do in an event of a fire?
  • What if your pathway is blocked by fire?
  • What if you're stuck on high ground or trapped?
  • Hotspot for Fire Extinguishers at home

How does a fire start?

The fire triangle, or combustion triangle consists of the three components needed to ignite and sustain a fire. Take any of the elements away, fire will not start. These elements are Oxygen, Fuel and Heat.

Fire Triangle - Oxygen, Heat & Fuel

Fire is a rapid oxidation process that spreads quickly and will keep burning until one or more of the three necessary components is removed. A fire starts because The heat/energy created as part of the oxidation process (combining oxygen with other substances) is created faster than can be released, quickly causing combustion and the resulting flames. Whilst oxidation is a process that happens every day such as when metal rusts, the difference is the speed at which it occurs

So... How do you put out a fire ?

Knowledge & Equipment is important to put out a fire

2 Things are important to kill a fire: Knowledge and Equipment.

Having only knowledge or an equipment might not be the wisest choice either. These 2 comes hand in hand. Without knowledge, using the wrong substance to extinguish a fire can be extremely dangerous. A great relatable example, adding water to a burning small cooking fire would lead to a bigger fire! or using the same in an electric fire (shocking I know!)

What happens when add water to cooking oil

You mean there are different types of fires?

YES! There are five different types of fires, and each need is put out using different extinguishing agents. The most common extinguisher designed for homes is our ABC Fire Extinguishers. consist of fine mono ammonium phosphate, which is a fire fighting agent (also a fertilizer, talk about multitasking). However, if you went into a restaurant kitchen, a steel factory, and a paint store, for instance, you would see the other three different types of extinguishers (Class K, Class D, and Class B, respectively)

Read up here for more information on the types of fire & fire extinguisher.

So you have the knowledge and the equipment, nice.. but what do you do in an event of a fire?

Get out of there! (i.e. always have a fire escape plan)

A home fire escape plan is essential because when a fire breaks out, every second counts. Remember, a fire can turn life-threatening in 30 seconds. And the majority of fires break out late at night or early in the morning when everyone is asleep, so your family needs to know what to do before an emergency happens. Before the worst happens, make sure everyone in your family knows how to get out and that there’s nothing to stop that from happening. The image below illustrates how to get out alive in case of fire

Get Out Alive, Call 999. Stay calm and shout

Find more about escaping from the home fire here: What to do if there's a fire in your house?

What if your pathway is blocked by fire?

There could be multiple reasons causing one to get stuck in the case of a fire. A fire extinguisher is more useful than you know....

1. Use a Fire extinguisher to make pathway

Having multiple fire extinguishers around the house comes in handy, so to escape you can Use the P.A.S.S method to clear the fire in your way to the safety like a badass!

1. Pull the safety pin!
2. Aim at the base of the fire
3. Squeeze the lever 
4. Sweep from side to side

Check out how to Use a Fire Extinguisher using the P.A.S.S method here!

How to use Fire Extinguisher Steps (P.A.S.S)

2. Wrap a fire blanket around yourself to create thermal shield against fire 

Using Fire Blanket as a thermal shield against fire

Fire blankets are amazing at blocking out foreign heat! Our fire blanket that made out of fiberglass, can protect you from higher intensity of heat and withstand against flames over 260°C. Try to use them to create a  thermal barrier against heat by wrapping yourself with a fire blanket when escaping to a safer place. 

Learn how to use a Fire Blanket here!

3. Use a wet cloth to cover mouth when crawling out to escape.   

Use a wet cloth to cover mouth when crawling out to escape.

Breathing through a wet towel that covers your nose and mouth can reduce the inhalation of smoke. You'll also breathe in lesser smoke if you stay close to the ground. Smoke naturally rises, so crawling below it is your best bet at not inhaling the deadly smoke.

Stuck on high ground or trapped?

Fire spreads more if it gets oxygen. If you are in a room in a lower ground, escaping through the window is an option. However, if you are on a high ground, and you realize that you are trapped inside a fire, you need to think fast since you'd only have half an hour at the most to escape.

So what should you do when you're trapped on a high rise building and a fire gradually inches towards to you?

Cover bottom of door & wave with bright cloth

1. Cover bottom of door with wet cloth 

Covering the bottom of the door with a wet towel can help to slow down the smoke from entering the room sooner. Giving you the time to alert others and the fire rescue team!

2. Open window and wave bright color piece of cloth

Open the window and wave a bright colored cloth to signal for help. This will let the others know and will help the fire rescue team to formulate a plant to save you!

Pheww... Now you know how scary fires can be?

So.. I've bought a fire extinguisher, where do you think are the best spots to place Fire Extinguishers at home??

While fire extinguishers are a requirement for business premises, fire safety at home is not a requirement but a necessity as there are risks of fires at home. Every year, between 30,000 and 60,000 fire incidents are reported in the country. One may think that fire safety for homes is difficult and expensive to start. But that is not exactly the case as the price of a fire extinguisher starts from as low as RM48.

Fire Extinguisher Hotspot in Home (Install in kitchen, living room & bedroom)

Having a fire extinguisher is more useful than you think!

Find major fire extinguisher hotspots here: Where are the best spots to place fire extinguishers at home? – Fire Fighter Industry.

Last important thing to note: 

Keeping your brain calm and working with logic will always keep you safe from accidents. Examine your home and think of a way to prevent it even before it happens. Keep an emergency kit around you so that you need not search for it at the time of crisis. Add some safety measures to your home and keep yourself safe.

Protect your home now with our products!

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