Ruth Das - 29th Oct 2021

What are Fire escape stairs? Which one is good for my building? Where are they located?

Knowing and understanding the where the fire escape stair is, can help you safe your  life.

A fire escape is a special kind of emergency exit, usually mounted to the outside of a building or occasionally inside but separate from the main areas of the building. It provides a method of escape in the event of a fire or other emergency that makes the stairwells inside a building inaccessible.  

Fire escapes are most often found on multiple-story residential buildings, such as apartment buildings. In the past, they were an essential aspect of fire safety for all new construction in urban areas; more recently, however, they have fallen out of common use. This is due to the improved building codes incorporating fire detectors, technologically advanced fire fighting equipment, which includes better communications and the reach of fire fighting ladder trucks, and more importantly fire sprinklers.

Smoke detector with a battery

That being said, every building should have a fire escape staircase to permit the safe escape of occupants in case of an emergency. The building should be properly designed and constructed as per the required fire safety according to the Uniform Building By-Laws 1984 Malaysia as due to urbanization, it has become necessary to construct and design the buildings as per the rules and regulations were given by BOMBA.

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Smoke Detector (Pack of 2) - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector (Pack of 2) - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector (Pack of 2) - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector (Pack of 2) - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector (Pack of 2) - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector (Pack of 2) - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector (Pack of 2) - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector (Pack of 2) - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector (Pack of 2) - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector (Pack of 2) - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector (Pack of 2) - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector (Pack of 2) - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector (Pack of 2) - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector (Pack of 2) - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector (Pack of 2) - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector (Pack of 2) - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector (Pack of 2) - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector (Pack of 2) - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector (Pack of 2) - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector (Pack of 2) - Fire Fighter Industry

Smoke Detector (Pack of 2)

Get on your feet and evacuate right away with the help of the Fire Fighter Smoke Detector.  
  • Loudness: 85 decibels (up to 8 metres)
  • Power: 9V battery (lasts 1 year)
  • Consistent soft beeping sound for 30 days before the battery runs out
  • Built-in test button
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Types of Fire Escaping Stairs

Simpson smoke detector

Different types of fire escaping stairs are as follows

Drop Ladder 

Ionization Smoke Detector

Drop ladders are one of the best fire escape equipment. They are widely used in case of fire emergencies in medium to small apartment complexes. These types of ladders are permanently fixed and are safe and stable so that anyone can use them. The drop ladder is usually fitted close to the window so it can be easily used during an emergency evacuation.

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Counterbalanced Stairs

Photoelectric Smoke Detector

A counterbalance staircase is a common method that is widely used to protect building occupants during a period of emergency. And is usually seen in schools and small buildings. The counterbalanced stairway is a common method used to protect building occupants from unwanted visitors coming up the fire escape and is operated via a pulley system.

Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry

Smoke Detector

Get on your feet and evacuate right away with the help of the Fire Fighter Smoke Detector.  
  • Loudness: 85 decibels (up to 8 metres)
  • Power: 9V battery (lasts 1 year)
  • Consistent soft beeping sound for 30 days before the battery runs out
  • Built-in test button
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Gooseneck Ladder

Combination of Ionization/Photoelectric Smoke Detector

A Gooseneck Ladder is a vertical ladder that extends from the top floor of the terrace or balcony and is used as a standard fire escape. This type of ladder is attached to the side of the building and is sometimes a part of the building, although compartmentalized using fire doors. It extends from the top floor to the bottom and is usually found in high-rise buildings. Compared to the previous ladders the Gooseneck ladder is a little bit complex and difficult to handle.

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What Is the Importance of Fire Escape in the Building?

Smoke detector offers

The emergency exit routes are extremely important as they provide a clear and safe way to escape from the building during a crisis or emergency. And Fire stairs play a MAJOR part in it. The exit routes can be provided in the form of fire doors connected to the staircases allowing the occupants to escape from the building. Moreover, they could be used as a refuge for less mobile occupants who need assistance to evacuate. 

Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry
Smoke Detector - Fire Fighter Industry

Smoke Detector

Get on your feet and evacuate right away with the help of the Fire Fighter Smoke Detector.  
  • Loudness: 85 decibels (up to 8 metres)
  • Power: 9V battery (lasts 1 year)
  • Consistent soft beeping sound for 30 days before the battery runs out
  • Built-in test button
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